Archive | July, 2021

It’s Just Communism

27 Jul

I have often been perplexed by the concept of equity and its recent subjugation of the older concept of equality. Kamala Harris explains equity in the following video made while she was still a candidate:

Equity is presented like it is somehow too esoteric for an ordinary person to easily grasp. However, when one has heard about it long enough and seen several examples, it becomes clear that it is really just about using whatever means are available to achieve equality of outcomes. Where have we heard that before?

It is essentially the same as a slogan presented by Karl Marx in Critique of the Gotha Programme: “Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen.” This translates to: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Equity is just communism.

Recently, when Cubans started to actively protest in the streets, members of “The Squad”, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and the rest were curiously silent. Of course, Cuba is a communist nation and members of The Squad are OK with communism.

The Biden administration was slow to show support for Cuban protestors and still has not lifted a finger to help them. It has not helped to set up internet so that island protestors can communicate with each other and hear from the outside world.

What does all this have in common? It is all just Communism. The Democrat party should probably change its name. It is no longer the party that supported slavery, segregation and Jim Crow laws. It is no longer the party that re-enslaved the black population of the United States through the welfare state. It is now the party of Communism. There is nothing more to understand. Communism is back and the late great Democrat party is its most vociferous proponent.

The thing to realize is that it is nothing more than communism. It is not about lingering systemic racism. “Critical Race Theory” has nothing to do with race at all. The term comes from “Critical Theory” which is well understood to be a topic in communism. Inserting the word “race” is just a way to signal that the old notion of class warfare is to be replaced with the essentially identical notion of race warfare. As I explained in my last entry, substituting race for class in the communist quest actually simplifies the process. It is simpler to distinguish between a white person and a brown person than it is to distinguish between a rich person and a poor person. Rich people no longer display obvious expressions of their wealth—they do not wear royal regalia, for example. However, a person’s race can typically be identified at a glance.  Note that BLM supports the Cuban government over the Cuban people. The pretense is gone.

So, the Democrat party is now the Communist party. They cannot rebrand themselves as, for example, the Communist Party USA because that name has been taken. However, since there is no real distinction, the nominal conflict may be irrelevant.

For a good summary of communism, it is simplest just to read Humanist Manifesto I, conveniently provided by the American Humanist Association:

Humanism is just communism too. This will not be a surprise to those who realize that communists have been hard at work for a very long time to bring about their revolution in the United States. You might note that Humanist Manifesto I is signed by John Dewey. He is featured prominently in Mark Levine’s new best seller, American Marxism.

If you want a good summary of the methods used by communists to take control, read this comic book…seriously:

Modern communists also employ the methods described by Saul Alinsky in his book Rules for Radicals. Alinsky did not call himself a communist, but it is getting progressively harder to be surprised. For a good summary of Alinsky’s methods, see the following:

The problem with communism is that it requires central planning. Its close cousin fascism also requires central planning. A lot of effort has gone into distinguishing between these two political systems, but in practice they are identical. A lot of effort has also gone into distinguishing between communism and socialism, but they are truly identical. Their definitions in Wikipedia used to be identical, but the website’s Leftist editors apparently caught this oversight and quietly changed them. Central planning always leads to central control which inevitably devolves into dictatorship. Whether people call themselves communists, fascists, socialists or Humanists, they are inevitably destined to be enslaved by a small group of people who will never relinquish power…not unless they are overthrown in some kind of bloody military conflict. 

Cuba adopted communism in 1958. Over sixty years later, it is about to undertake the aforementioned bloody conflict. I suspect, however, that freedom seekers in Cuba will fail. They are not getting any support from their largest and nearest neighbor, the former United States of America. Too bad for them that the late United States of America has been replaced by Unbelievably Stupid America, which I detailed in an essay a while back:

C’est la vie. Too bad for the Cubans they did not start their revolution at the beginning of the Trump administration. Too late…as Newsweek magazine presciently observed, “We are all socialists now.”

And as I explained, it is all really just communism. 

The Attraction of Marxism

25 Jul

Tonight, while I was watching a rerun of Mark Levine’s show Life Liberty & Levine, Pete Hegseth questioned Levine about his new book American Marxism. One of the questions Hegseth asked Levine was what he believed is the attraction of Marxism.

Levine said that he touches on this in his book and gave a brief explanation. Basically, what he said is that there are two types of people who are attracted to Marxism. There are people who wish to abdicate personal responsibility and there are people who want power and control over others.

Later, when I reflected on this, I realized it was a classic example of an abusive relationship. In this type of abusive relationship, one party gives up some or all of their freedom for security, however illusory, and the other party offers them security in exchange for control over their lives. I am keenly aware of this kind of relationship because I have been in several during my lifetime.

This kind of relationship is the relationship women get into when they marry a domineering man who promises to take care of them. It is the kind of relationship many people find themselves in when they go to work for a company that promises benefits and promotions. It is certainly the relationship prostitutes get into with pimps. In the case of the prostitutes, the relationship is more coercive than beneficial, but that is often a characteristic of such abusive relationships. They are tantamount to slavery.

Often, in this kind of relationship, the party wishing to take control convinces the party they wish to control that the party to be controlled is in more danger than they actually are: “The world is a scary place and you need me to protect you from it!”

That is exactly what organizations like BLM and theories like CRT are doing to the black population in the United States. They are convincing them that the United States is filled with systemic racism and murderous police and that their only refuge is a much more powerful central government.  What blacks and other minorities fail to realize is that they are trading their personal freedom for illusive security.

The illusive security that is being promised is thinly veiled communism. In its inception, it has replaced the original notion of class warfare with race warfare, which is really just class warfare with an easy identifier. It is simpler to tell the difference between a white person and a brown person than between a rich person and a poor person. It has all the classic trappings of communism as described by countless proponents of communism in the past: redistribution, abdication of private ownership and central authority. Of course, as residents of Cuba and North Korea understand all too well, this kind of relationship always leads to slavery.

It is ironic that the same process that initiated slavery in the United States is being repeated today. It started with people who wanted to come to the United States, ostensibly to be taken care of, that traded their freedom for a plot of land and an uncertain future as an indentured servant. Later, this process evolved into full-fledged slavery. Apparently, once people in power acquire a taste for total control, they are loath to part with it. Blacks who lament their ancestor’s slavery and were freed only by a bloody civil war are unwittingly wandering into the bonds of that peculiar institution.

I am not sure what can be done to save them (and all of us) from this terrible fate. I am trying to warn everyone, but I recognize the divide between my words and those who truly need to hear them. They will say that I do not understand. Sadly, I understand all too well.

Unbelievably Stupid America (USA)

3 Jul

Friends and acquaintances keep pointing out the obvious incompetence of the Biden administration and insisting that Americans will see this and vote for Republicans. However, I am convinced that they are mistaken.

One of the main arguments I hear is that Americans will suffer from Biden administration policies and will “vote their pocket books”. The way the argument goes is that when Americans experience inflation and higher crime, they will vote out whichever party is in power. However, there is a critical mistake in this assumption. In actuality, Americans will vote out whichever party they “perceive” to be in power. If they perceive Democrats to be in power, they will vote for Republicans. If they perceive Republicans to be in power, they will vote for Democrats. However, Democrats have stumbled onto a remarkable realization: Americans are stupid. Apparently, they were not always as stupid as they are now. This appears to be a recent development. Republicans apparently have not accepted how stupid Americans are or are incapable of internalizing and acting on it. Consequently, they repeat implausible memes such as, “Never bet against the American People.”

The Democrats have realized that Americans are so stupid that they can be made to believe that a party that is in power is actually not in power. The most recent and flagrant example of Democrats realizing this and putting it into practice is the issue over rising crime. Any American with common sense would look at crime rising in Democrat regions and realize that this was caused by Democrat policies. Specifically, they would realize it is because of Democrats declaring that they intend to defund police and then proceeding to do so. This realization should be bolstered by the observation that nearly every Democrat in power in regions that have rising crime have actually declared their lack of support for police.

However, here is the catch. The Democrats realize how stupid Americans are. They have made the remarkable claim that it is Republicans that have caused this problem. As their argument goes, the Republicans refused to vote for a giant federal pork bill, the American Rescue Plan, that ostensibly could be used to support the police. Therefore, the Republicans have voted against supporting the police.

This argument should not work at all. However, the dishonest legacy media has picked up the argument and repeated it verbatim. Here is one example:

Opinion: The GOP should be held accountable for deserting law and order

Americans are so stupid that they are certain to believe this. The net effect is that they will perceive the Republicans to hold the real power. Consequently, when given the opportunity to vote against the party in power, they will vote against the Republicans.

This is just one example, but it is one that the Democrats have latched onto and will undoubtedly replicate. To anyone with sufficient literacy to read the present essay, that argument will seem laughable. However, to the majority to Americans it is not laughable at all. It is awareness. It is understanding. It is truth.

In 2022, Americans will be convinced that all of the problems we have are a result of the Republicans having too much political power, and they will vote against Republicans and incidentally give more power to Democrats.

Once democrats win in 2022, they will use their even greater power to ensure that most Americans believe they still lack sufficient power to prevent the onslaught of Republican destruction. Americans will be overwhelmed with legacy media claims that there is a powerful Republican conspiracy to destroy the climate, oppress minority races, and increase crime for the sole purpose of making Democrats look bad. Before long, there will be only one voice in America, and Unbelievably Stupid Americans will believe that voice.

It is not possible to build or rebuild a great republic over a stupid populace. America is not salvageable. Like I have argued in the past, the only option for those who are neither stupid nor in power is to hold out until it is possible to leave and set up a legitimate government elsewhere. That is why I am a SIIA.

As of now, it does not appear that there is anywhere else to go, but soon there will be. When AI starts to slip over the threshold into general intelligence and can work in space independently, it will be possible to send out self-replicating robotic systems that will be able to build up extra-terrestrial infrastructure. I have described this process in other essays:

Colonizing Space

One may raise the question: won’t Democrats take over space too? The answer is no. Democrats are not interested in growth. They are only interested in control.  They see growth as a Republican paradigm. The Democrat dream is to implement an agrarian utopia based on the philosophy of Karl Marx. They actually have a very simple pre-industrial model of economics similar to the zero-sum policies of empires like that of Sargon and Hammurabi. Zero-sum economic philosophies inevitably exclude any ideas about growth and expansion.

Democrats will leave space to capitalists and actually welcome their departure.

See ya in Siialand!