Archive | December, 2023

Newsmax Cannot Be Saved

28 Dec

“won’t save Newsmax”

The Anticipated Progress of Post-Republic United States

7 Dec

It is important to understand that the republic formerly known as the United States of America is already gone. It ended in 2020. Legitimate republics do not make up charges to persecute former leaders and political opponents.

If you are among those who do not take the present litigations of Donald Trump seriously, you are overlooking an important historical precedent. In 1933, when Adolph Hitler became Chancelor of Germany, he often was not taken seriously. An aunt and uncle of mine named their little, black dog Hitler because they considered Chancelor Adolph Hitler to be a joke. Hitler should have been taken seriously; Fani Willis and her ilk should be taken seriously.

Through the course of 2024, Donald Trump will continue to be tried for spurious charges. The Biden Administration will tamper with some jury in one of his cases and badger them into convicting Donald Trump of at least one of the countless felonies he has been charged with. After Trump is convicted, the judge in the case will be unusually hasty. He will sentence Trump as quickly as possible under the guise that Trump is a dangerous felon. The sentence will be unusually harsh. Not only will the judge give Trump the maximum number of years for the supposed crime; he will add on a few years for good measure. In this case, the argument will be that Trump’s overall behavior has been so egregious that he deserves the maximum possible penalty.

Most likely, no judge will consider an appeal. New pandemics may come ashore in the United Stated, but among them will not be a spate of courage. However, if an appeal goes forward, the verdict will stand.

If you have difficulty imagining a former president of the United States being sent to prison, I will assist in your ability to visualize this event. On the day Donald Trump is expected to report to authorities, the military will be sent to arrest him. His Secret Service detail will be overwhelmed and surrender him without resistance. Donald Trump will be unceremoniously carted off to prison.

Once Donald Trump is in prison, it will be determined that he is such a danger to the public that he will be placed in solitary confinement. That is the last anyone will see of Donald Trump. We may learn at some later date that he died in prison under circumstances that resemble the demise of Jeffry Epstein.

If Donald Trump survives prison, Joe Biden, or whoever is the Democrat candidate, will refuse to acknowledge or debate him. They will simply say, “I’m not going to debate a convicted felon in prison. The Republicans failed to run a candidate this election season.”

Officials will be afraid to speak out about the fate of Donald Trump. Protests will be brutally suppressed, and all participants will be arrested and charged with insurrection. They will be tried and convicted and disappear in prison in a manner similar to Donald Trump.

Over the course of the 2024 elections, some Republican other than Donald Trump may be nominated to represent the Republican Party. However, polls will show that he is behind the Democrat opponent. These polls may be fraudulent, but no one will be able to establish their illegitimacy.

In November of 2024, some Democrat will be elected president. It may not be Joe Biden, but it will be some stooge that can be controlled in a manner similar to Joe Biden. I suspect that it will be Gavin Newsom, but it could be Kamala Harris or almost anyone that clearly is not up to the task.

There may be indications that the 2024 election was stolen. However, officials will be afraid to speak out and any regular voters who speak out will be treated in a manner similar to those who protested the fate of Donald Trump.

During the 2024 election year, great advances will be made in artificial intelligence. However, during the course of those advances, the Biden administration will establish regulations that ensure they are used to suppress political opposition. It will become impossible to speak or even think of resisting the Biden Administration without being discovered, and anyone discovered doing so will meet the same fate as the aforementioned protesters.

In 2028, some Democrat will be shoehorned into the White House. It will be a stooge similar to the prior ones. He will be completely controlled by unknown and unknowable behind-the-scenes oligarchs.

In the distant future, historians will mark 2020 as the year that the United States of America ceased to be a republic and became an oligarchical collective.

You may wonder why, if all of this is true, I am being permitted to write something like this. This is because I do not matter. My blog has already been shadow banned, so very few people hear from me. While Hitler was rising to power, minor dissent was also tolerated. In time, I too may disappear.