Archive | June, 2023


21 Jun

I wrote this decades ago when I was in college and decided to publish it when Midjourney gave me exactly the right image to go with it.

Post Republic America

13 Jun

Like many people who heard Trump’s speech in Bedminster, I was impressed by his defiance and vision. Nevertheless, I will not allow myself to be fooled.

Trump’s enumeration of Leftist crimes was the recipe for America’s destruction. We must all keep in mind that those people cannot afford to lose. We must also remember that they stole the 2020 election. If anyone thought the theft of the 2020 election was brazen, they should prepare to be astonished. Why would we ever imagine that the people who so brazenly stole one election would not double down on their mischief? Why would we suppose that people who have so much at stake will stop at anything?

When Trump goes to trial, he will be found guilty. Some eager reporters may uncover evidence of brutal jury tampering, but they will be suppressed. If the case is appealed to any higher courts, Trump will still be found guilty. Historians may one day uncover evidence of extraordinary intimidation tactics, but that will come far too late.

Joe Biden will run for reelection in 2024 and win. There will be so many irregularities people will be dumbfounded. Anyone who raises questions about those irregularities will be stomped on so quickly and severely they will suffer the muteness of Biblical Zechariah.

Americans should vote in 2024 and they should try to win. They should not get their hopes up. That ship has sailed. We blew it in 2020. Foolish voters blew it. Weak judges blew it. Mike Pence, our last line of defense, blew it.

We must live with our failure. We must prepare for what lies ahead.